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About Booshway

Leader of the Mountain Men "Booshway"In the early American west a small number of self-reliant men began to push into the wilderness. Many of these men spent decades living in the mountains, learning to survive in the wilderness, learning the best paths, exploring the rivers, and the conquering the mountains. The actions of these men opened the American west to settlement. Many of these "Mountain Men" lead pioneers through the wilderness. Only the most knowledgeable and experienced of these mountain men could earn the title "Booshway".

Today there is a new wilderness. The ever-changing world of technology has created an environment that requires continuous exploration. Unlike the American Wilderness the technology wilderness continues to expand.

Just as in the American west the pioneers needed guides, today's companies and organizations also need guides to the technology wilderness. Booshway's mission is to push into the technology wilderness, learn the best paths, explore the rivers of technology, and teach others to not only to survive but also to thrive.

About our founder

Richard Lynch founded Booshway Enterprises Inc. in 2001. Richard has a BBA degree in Systems Analysis and over 20 years of experience in data processing and information technology.

Richard also has a love for the great outdoors. In 1991 Richard took a break from technology and spent most of the next fours years living near or in wilderness areas. During this time he made many trips into the wilderness some lasting as long as a month.
Richard Lynch at Rendezvous in Santa Fe New Mexico
While living in the Mountains of New Mexico Richard developed friendships with many Native American people. One of these friendships allowed Richard to experience the modern "Mountain Man" movement. In 1992 a Navajo friend invited Richard to perform with him as the featured entertainment at a rendezvous in Santa Fe New Mexico.

In 1995 Richard returned to civilization and again began using his technology skills. From January of 1995 until December of 2001 Richard was a partner in a consulting company based in Mesquite Texas. In December of 2001 Richard asked his partner to buy him out and he established Booshway.

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